New Batch#100 (10th Nov 2021) - Salesforce Admin + Dev Training (WhatsApp: +91 - 8087988044) :

Sunday 25 March 2012

Cloud Computing Basics

*Cloud Computing is an approach (It is not a hardware or software)
*Cloud computing process can be done through internet
*Practical representation of internet is cloud
*Several types of clouds:
            *Private cloud: for specific community
            *Public cloud:, Amazon and Google
            *Hybrid cloud: combination of public cloud and private cloud
*Architecture of cloud computing is multitenant architecture
*A single environment shared across multiple organizations is called multitenant
* is a vendor (which provides services to develop the application and use)
*It provides infrastructure, platform and software services.
*Examples of vendors:, Amazon, Microsoft and Google
*Examples of Developers: TCS, WIPRO, INFOSYS, Etc...
*Cloud Computing:

*All clients and developers connected with internet to vendor (
*Developers and clients only use products that can be supplied by the vendors.
*Products include hardware, platform and software.
*Cloud Computing is nothing but Pay per Use.
*Expensive set up, maintenance, time and cost will be reduce by using cloud computing.
*Examples of cloud computing: Gmail, Facebook and YouTube
*Three categories of services in cloud computing: IAAS, PASS AND SAAS
*IAAS: Infrastructure As A Service
*PAAS: Platform As A Service
*SAAS; Software As A Service
*IAAS contains physically visible devices (Hardware)
*PAAS means development environment like OS, DB, Compilers and interpreters.
*PAAS supports both web applications and mobile applications
*SAAS means product, product means end user software.
*In we have to involve in PASS and SAAS
*Creation and deployment need Point and Click  (20%)
*Development (Scripting) (80%), we use Apex and Visual Force for scripting.
* is a company which provides CRM as services.
*CRM constitutes 3 modules:
                        *call centre (Executive Solution)
                        *Chatter (Chatting) (Expert Solution)
*There are 6 clouds in
            *Sales cloud: deals with marketing and sales
            *Service cloud: deals with call centre
            *Collaboration cloud: deals with chatter
             (Above 3 facilitate SAAS)
            * provides PAAS
            * It is nothing but data information about business services world wide
             (We can get business related information) (Previous name for is jigsaw)
             (4 million people information was there)
            * Used to store data. It’s completely hidden from users.
             (To store business related information)
*3 partners of
            * Guide for technical assistance over
            * speaks about vision of SFDC
 (New updates about versions and editions) 
* buy and sell applications which are developed in Apex
*Current version of is spring 2013.
* has provided some editions
            *Professional edition
            *Enterprise edition
            *Unlimited edition
             (vary in storage space, cost and number of users like that)
*we should put username like email id for (
            *Above dreams means organization name.
            *srinu means employee name
* has MVC architecture
*M: Model (Entire content)
*V: View (What we see)
*C: Controller (Business Logic) (navigation up&down)
Visual Force
                     View                       Controller                              Model

Vocabulary in SFDC:
*Application: Set of services (Project)
* Tab: Link to a separate page (Module)
*Sobject (Salesforce object): Name given to a storage space
*Fields: features of subjects
*Records: Data of fields
*Many to many relationship between App and Tab
*One to one relationship between Sobject and Tab
*Profile: Set of permissions (CRUD)
*Role: authorization for the user (which information should access by which user)
*Default profile for the is System Administrator
*5550 users (employees) are possible to create.
*We can create multiple a/c’s with same organization name.
*Each a/c is like separate organization.
Flow of
Data    Data     Data Environments

Sand Box -----------------------Deployment-----------------------------------------à Production
Developer                                                                                                       Client (Admin also)
TCS, WIPRO like that                                                                                       McDonalds
PAAS                                                                                                                     SAAS
Developer (for scripting and development)                Admin to create the users of McDonald
*Developer should involve in IAAS and PAAS
*Client should involve in IAAS and SAAS
*McDonald’s employee’s get product training by TCS employees
*One application can shared across multiple organizations (Reliance, Spencer’s and heritage)
*Three types of sandbox*
*Developer contains
                *Use only dummy data
                *We can change code
*Configuration Only
                  *Use real data up to 500 records
                  *It’s not possible to modify code
                  *It’s comes under quality assurance process
*Fully configured
                  *We can use real data without any restriction
                  *It’s possible to modify code
                  *It’s comes under quality assurance
                  *Tester gets opportunity to work in this phase (He should know Apex)
*As a developer we can work in coding and configuration only sandbox.
*Fully configured meant for team lead and project manager
                                           Standard                                                            Custom
                                           (Buit-In)                                                         (User defined)
*We should work in Set up mode
*Thick red line means (|) mandatory fields
*M -> Object Name
*V -> Label Name
*C -> API Name
*Tab -> Plural Label
*One tab can associate with on tab only (One to One relationship)
*For creating records, we should use Tab.


  1. Chillax Buddy......just carry forward

  2. what a great blog... Really it helped me a lot as newbie to sfdc...n the Vocabulary, I love this part.

    Thank you.Its on my bookmark list now.

